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What Are the Types of Care Seniors Can Get at Home?

Home care is designed to keep your parents safe and independent. With elderly care services, your parents have help with things they need and are left to do things they excel at. Anyone in need of help or companionship can have home care. Your parents don’t have to be seriously ill or disabled before they’ll find elderly care useful.

If household chores like dusting, mopping, dishes, and vacuuming are a challenge, caregivers can help. They’ll do the laundry and anything else on the list that has become too difficult for your parent. Changing sheets and towels, making beds, and wiping down counters are all housekeeping chores.

Personal Care/Grooming

Are there areas of personal care or grooming that challenge your mom or dad? If arthritis makes it hard to floss the teeth, caregivers can help. If your parents are fine with showering and most grooming chores but have a hard time reaching the toenails to clip, caregivers also help with foot care.


Companionship services are fit their name. It’s a basic, yet very important, service where a caregiver comes as often as needed to provide friendship. Your parents can join the caregiver for games, hobbies, or crafts. They can go on walks together, go shopping together, or explore a local park together. With companionship services, the loneliness and isolation your parents may fee are lessened. They have a friend who stops by every week, a few times a week, or daily if that’s needed.

Medication Reminders

If your mom or dad often forget to take medications, medication reminders are ideal. The caregiver reminds your parent when it’s time to take a dose of medication. Once it’s taken, there’s someone on hand to watch for troubling side effects and make sure that your parent follows directions some medications have about not driving or staying out of the sun.


When your parent can no longer drive, transportation services are helpful. A caregiver drives your parents to the store, a friend’s house, a medical office, the library, or any other local business or building. Elderly care is customized to meet your parents’ needs. You talk to a specialist and arrange to have caregivers provide the things your parents need to retain their independence. Call an elderly care agency to get started.

If you or a loved one are looking for experienced Elderly Care in Gainesville, VA, contact SenCura at 703-880-2547. Providing in-home senior care in Northern Virginia.

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